
Purchase tools for rebuilding.



Provide a smoke detector and fire extinguisher for fire safety.


Install a grab bar to prevent falls.


Provide a new porch railing for security.


Supply one room of flooring to relieve respiratory issues.


Donate any amount we welcome all gifts!

Sponsor a Home Repair

Make a difference in the life of a local homeowner in need


Community Connections

Assist neighbors in more distant/rural areas of the Triangle

Social media recognition

Logo on our website

Large, co-branded signage at project site

Supervised experience for 20 volunteers (two shifts)

Materials and training provided


Critical Restoration

Restore major home systems

Social media spotlight

Logo on our website

Large, co-branded signage at project site

Two-day, supervised experience for 40 volunteers (two shifts over two days)

Materials and training provided


Essential Repair

Make repairs for safety and health

Social media recognition

Logo on our website

Large, co-branded signage at project site

Supervised experience for 30 volunteers (two shifts)

Materials and training provided


Home Transformation

Mitigate major home hazards

Social media spotlight

Logo on our website

Large, co-branded signage at project site

Multi-day, supervised experience for 50 volunteers

Materials and training provided

Tool Drives

We happily accept new and very gently used tools for our home repair program serving Triangle-area homeowners in need of assistance.
Simply share our wish list with your group, collect the tools, and contact us to coordinate a safe, socially distant delivery or pick-up.
Click here to check out our wish list!
Feel free to contact us about tools you may have that are not on our list.
#MakeADifference #FromADistance

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